Dear Future Reader,

     I don't know what you do to pass the time, but let me tellyou about us.  During the week we are so exhausted from working the fields and tending the animals we can barely keep our head up to eat dinner.  My brother gets to go to school when he finishes his morning chores but not me.  I am a girl so I have to stay home and work around the house from dawn to dusk.  When we are finished inthegarden we have to clean the house and wash the clothes in the river.  Every summer we shave the wool off the ship and use it to spin thread and then make cloth for clothes.    One Saturdays and Sundays we get to finish our work early and read the bible.  We are Quakers,so we do not believe in war or fighting.  We are greatful to be in the new world so we can pray and read our bible in peace.  
Dear Future Reader,

    Well, as I shared earlier the journey to the new world was a difficult one,  but life was not all bad.  We did get the farm land we were promised.  New Jersey is beautiful.  The soil is rich and great for growing fruits and vegetables. The forests are thick so we had plenty of trees to cut down and build our new home.  We are close to many rivers so that we can water our fields and catch fresh fish to eat.  The rivers flow straight ot the ocean so we are hopeful that grandma and baby brother will soon be arriving on one of the ships that come from the old world across the big ocean.  
Dear Future Reader,
      Hello, my name is Elizabeth.  I am ten years old and living in the New World colony of New Jersey.  I am writing to you to share my life so that the people of the future will be able to know and understnad the people of the past.
     I was born on the streets of London, england int he year 1645.  My family was poor and without a home of their own.  We cleaned the streets, and begged for money.  We often went for days without  but a bite of bread.  One day my father heard about a ship leaving for the New World.  They were giving land to families that would come to the New World.  We packed allor belongings into a sack and headed to the ship.  When we arrived the Captain said there was no room for grandma and our youngest brother.  We had to leave them behind.  Pa says maybe we they can come on the a ship in the spring.  My heart broke as we pulled away from the dock and lft them alone in the rain and cold.   
This ship is a symbol of the the hardships we went through. The journey was extremely difficult many people died on the way and we had to leave grandma and brother behind
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