Write a paragraph comparing "Iditarod" and this week's story.  Use the double bubble map that you created.  Include the following:
1. Topic sentence identifying the two stories
2. Two sentences on similarities.
3. Two sentences on differences.
4.  Use descriptive words (adjectives).
5.  End with a concluding sentence.
Write a paragraph comparing two of the fables you read this week. Include the following:
1) A topic sentence identifying the names of the fables.
2) Two sentences describing how they are similar.
3) Two sentences telling how they are different.
4) Conclude with the moral or lesson that each story presents.

HINT: Use your double bubble map to help you with this.

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 Click on the website below to read many short fables by Aesop.


Check Out this website to read more fables. Highlight and click on the url below.http://http://education.weebly.com/weebly/main.php#
Compare and contrast yourself to one of the characters in your novel.  Your response must include the following:

1. Topic sentence identifying the name of the character and novel you are comparing yourself to.
2.  Write at least two sentences describing how you are similar to the character.
3.  Write at least two sentences describing how you are different from the character.
4.  Add a closing sentence.
We have been working on compound sentences in class.  A compound sentence can be created by combing two sentences that could stand alone, with a comma followed by one of the fanboys connectors:


Post 3 compound sentences about your novel.  Please number each sentence.
Check out Sally's sample.
Compare and contrast one of the main characters in the novel you are now reading with a character from the last novel that you read.   Include the following in your response:

1.  Topic sentence identifying the two novels and the two characters you are comparing.

2.  Two sentences describing two similarites between your characters.

3.  Two sentences describing two differences between the characters.  

4.  Use descriptive details and adjectives. 

5.  See Sally's example.
Click on the comment link to respond.  Describe Travis using evidence from the story, adjectives and descriptive details.  Include at least one idiom, simile, or metaphor in your description.  Re-read and edit your response of at least five sentences before submitting.
Click on Comment and respond.  Describe Despereau using evidence from the story, descriptive details and adjectives.  Include at least one idiom, simile, or metaphor in your description.  Re-read and edit prior to submitting your response of at least five sentences.  
Click on  the comment link to leave your response.
Describe Heather using descriptive details from the story.  Include a metaphor, idiom or simile in your response. Re-read and edit your response before submitting.  Your response should be at least five sentences.
Click on the comment link to respond.
Describe Rob using descriptive details from the story.  Include a metaphor or an idiom in your description.  Re-read and edit your writing before submitting.




Simon please click on the link to describe Brian using evidence from the text, descriptive details and adjectives.  Include at least one simile, metaphor or idiom in your description.  Re-read and edit your response before submitting.